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Friday, 13 June 2008

Good Copywriting

I felt compelled to talk about this today as I saw a really interesting talk by a copywriting expert last night (Richard Groom from the Peterborough Copywriting Bureau). I think I'm fortunate in that as a Marketer, I like meeting other people in Marketing and always think I'll learn something new - we never know everything do we?

So listening to some excellent tips on getting your copy right, whether it's for brochures, websites, press articles or even your blog (no comments please) did refresh my view on the subject and remind me of the basics, which are....

  • Keep it simple - don't use 42 words in one sentence and keep it in plain English!
  • Think about your target audience before you even think about writing - this has a bearing on the whole style of your copy, logical really but easily forgotten
  • Write from your customer's view point. What is is that they need, what are their issues that you might solve with your product or service? Addressing these first means that your reader will engage with what you're saying immediately.
I could go on, and frequently do, but I think that's a nice number of things to remember and pretty much covers it. So, keeping it simple I'm off to write some stuff for my own website now with a nice clear head.

Happy Marketing!

Karen McNulty


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