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Thursday, 4 December 2008

Direct Mail

I've been out at a business networking event today, and along with a colleague of mine, gave a presentation on cost effective marketing, using your database. Because at the moment results are important and we want to get the best return from any marketing we do.

The interesting thing about database marketing is that if you have a list of contacts (past customers, current customers, prospects) you've got a few choices on what you can do with it. Direct Mail, Email marketing or telesales are the 3 most likely ways that you can use your contact list to good effect. Direct Mail for a long time has been frowned upon because of the whole "junk mail" image. But now here do you see most "junk mail"? Yes, in your Email Inbox.

So while good Email marketing works very well (and it really does), a good direct mail shot will also now get you better results than ever because there's less out there so it's easier to stand out!

Karen McNulty


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