I saw a presentation which really struck a chord, a few months ago delivered by Mike Kingston. He talked about defining the "right" customers for your business plan first, then checking that you are not breaking the main "law of business" which was essentially that you either specialise in a particular product or service or else you specialise by targeting a range of products or services to a very specific target market.
So you're either market driven or product/service driven. He pointed out that if you don't specialise in one of these, you end up in the middle of a line with "market specialist" at one end and "product/service" specialist at the other. And being in the middle means of course that you're probably trying to be all things to all people, which if nothing else is usually very hard work!
Now I now that sounds like a very long winded way of explaining something but my point is that now, when I work with my customers and we're strategic planning we look at these things first:
- Who are their best customers? And we define them by writing a profile of a typical customer then.
- What is it that those customers consistently come back to them for? (Often this is a particular service or specialism which is very easily missed until you go back and look).
- Looking at what we discovered, what do they really specialise in? (product or service, or market).
Karen McNulty