Whether you’ve already started using social media as a
business or if you are ready to take your first steps, the thought of “sharing”
all can be quite daunting.
Used well, social media can be a great marketing tool for us
and we shouldn’t be put off by its open nature. Before you start it helps to have a few ideas of what you’re
trying to achieve and who and how you will do it.
For example, which social media do my customers and
potential customers use – is it Facebook, Twitter, YouTube? Maybe it’s something more specific to
your sector and LinkedIn is the most appropriate place to start.
Once you know where your audience is, it makes the next bit
simpler. How will you use this
medium to communicate? Examples
- News and events
- Marketing promotions
- Customer service
- Exclusive discounts and offers
- Market research
- Sharing content/expertise
Some businesses find it easier to define this early on so
that it’s clear which purpose each channel has. For example:
- Twitter – we’ll use this exclusively to share discounts and offers
- Facebook – we’ll share events and exclusive content
- Blog – we’ll provide insight and comment into developments and successes in our sector
After that it’s usually more straightforward to decide who
will write the blog, look after Twitter and update Facebook.
Whichever social media you choose:
- Research first. Sign up and get an account if you need to but spend at least a couple of weeks seeing how your competitors use these media before you start tweeting, posting or blogging. Doing this means you can see what makes good or bad content and decide how to position your business.
- Have a social media policy, particularly if you employ people to do this. The nature of social media is so instant that mistakes are out there immediately. Having a policy and guidelines means that everyone is clear on what they can and can’t say.
- Keep going. Once you start using social media it’s really important to keep it up to date. Out of date and poorly maintained profiles reflect badly on your brand and it’s another good reason to spend time researching and looking before you begin.
- Ask somebody to do it for you and never check it! Even with a policy you need to make sure that the messages are appropriate and in line with your marketing plan.
- Delete negative comments unless they are inappropriate. Social media can be great way to demonstrate customer service. Deal with negative comments by responding politely and then follow up off-line by telephone or email if necessary. Dealing with customers well sends positive PR about your brand.
- Start using social media unless you’re prepared to stick with it. If you’re really not sure, carry out the research phase for longer before making a decision. Social networks don’t all work for every business so you need to be sure your target audience is using the media you choose and will respond.
Once you're underway you may be surprised at how successful you can be. Social media brings us the opportunity to engage with our audiences in a much closer way than ever before, good luck!
Karen McNulty